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User interface design, user experience design, visual design, infographics,  art direction, game design, visual arts, illustration, layouts, interactive projects, data visualization, storytelling. Always interested in innovations. (Dual citizenship: Brazilian and EU citizen)

I define myself as pathologically curious; a self-taught on many subjects with a strong belief that the equation technology, art and people result on great changes. My end point was always get more and more knowledge.

15 years working with art, design and innovation. Already worked iat the largest newsrooms in Brazil and in 3 different countries. I won over ten awards related to interaction design and multimedia, national and international awards. Created projects quoted by Wired UK and founded the first crowdsourcing system in Brazil. Minister

lectures and workshops about storytelling, innovation, infographics and interfaces. Participate in projects related to childhood, transparency and social impact. I volunteer in foundations focused on environment, 

sustainable development and early childhood education. I also write comics, plays and I'm a gardening student.

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